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What was Design Day? 

On Saturday, March 2, 2024, several from the AHOP Congregation and the surrounding neighborhood gathered together in the gymnasium to dream what a future community park could look like.


Mrs. Teri Hendy, Play Environment Consultant and Designer at The Hendy Institute, came to speak on the importance of intergenerational play and the potential we have on the AHOP Campus for families to be in community in a safe, clean and fun park.  


Children used their imaginations to draw out their ideas and adults participated in a survey to identify what they felt could be in the park.  


It was a great day to dream, talk about and cast vision for the future of the AHOP Campus! We are praying over all of the ideas that were put on paper and trusting that God will lead us on this journey!  

  • Questions? Please call 937-372-1600 or email us at

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Loving God. 
Loving each other.

Ahop Church

282 Stelton Rd, Xenia, Ohio 45385

@2019 A House of Prayer (Ahop)


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